Celebrate Recovery
Our vision
Celebrate Recovery (CR) is a Christ-centered 12-step program where people gain freedom, healing, and accountability for life’s hurts, habits, and hang-ups.
about us
By applying to our lives the Bible-based Recovery Principles within the 12-steps, we open ourselves up to God’s grace and we can break free. We also open the door to recovery by sharing our experiences and hopes with one another. CR is based on a principle of attraction more so than promotion. When people see lives changed through Christ-centered recovery principles, they are drawn to seek healing for themselves. We do reach out to the community through the press, community services organizations, secular recovery programs, the court system, and by providing information to members of other ministries to share with the community. However, nothing reaches out to humanity more than the healing testimony of one whose being transformed by Jesus. Join us for a time of fellowship, music, teaching, amazing stories of transformed lives, and small group discussions designed to provide the strength to overcome life’s problems.
who can get involved?
CR is open to men and women ages 18 and up. CR is not just for people struggling with substance abuse. It is for anyone who desires to have victory over any stronghold of sin in their lives or anyone who has a hurt, habit, or hang-up. We also offer classes for teens and children!
To get involved with Celebrate Recovery, please contact the church office at (540) 674-4729.